
Crackstreams does NOT stream, nor it records streams video or audio data on its servers, this service is using media embedding techniques (IFrames, HTML5 Player, and Flash Players) from different sources which are already made available over the Internet, the original media source is not encrypted and can be viewed through the browser console. Live Streams that are found on this website are not hosted or uploaded by Crackstreams nor are we affiliated with the video content in any way. All video content is hosted by third-party media websites. In the case of possible copyright infringement, please contact the responsible parties. Users who upload to these websites agree not to upload illegal content when creating their user accounts. We do not take responsibility for the content hosted on such third-party websites. We operate as an index and database of media content that is only found publicly available on the Internet.

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Crackstreams does not host any of the live stream videos playing on this site. All videos are hosted on external streaming site that are freely available online. please contact video hosting provider or media poster for takedown or any dmca complaints.